
Colored Beautiful Logger

The colored-beautiful-logger library provides a flexible and customizable logger for your Node.js applications. It offers various log levels, colors, and formatting options to enhance readability and debugging experience.


To install the colored-beautiful-logger, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install colored-beautiful-logger


To use the logger, import Logger into your project. You can use default colors, RGB colors, or ANSI colors in custom labels.

For ANSI color references, see here.

import { Logger, LoggerOptions } from 'colored-beautiful-logger';

const options: LoggerOptions = {
  logFolderPath: './logs',
  logFileName: 'app.log',
  logRotationInterval: 60000, // 1 minute
  saveLogFile: true,
  customLabels: [
    // Take ANSI color reference from
    // Available color list:
    { label: 'custom', color: { ansiCode: '\x1b[38;5;9m' } },
    { label: 'unique', color: 'RED' },
    { label: 'insideFunction', color: { R: 255, G: 204, B: 229, isBackground: true } }
  printTimestamp: true,
  printLabelName: true,
  printCallerFunctionLocation: true,

const { logger } = new Logger(options);

let test = () => {
  logger.insideFunction('Inside a function');
test();'This is an informational message');
logger.warning('This is a warning message');
logger.error('This is an error message');
logger.custom('This is a custom message');
logger.critical('This is a critical message');
logger.alert('This is an alert message');
logger.log('This is a log message');
logger.notify('This is a notify message');
logger.success('This is a success message');
logger.unique('We are happy');


Console Output Image

API Reference

The colored-beautiful-logger provides the following interfaces and methods:

Logger Methods

new Logger (options: LoggerOptions)

A base class to initialize the Logger.

const { logger } = new Logger(options);


Name Type Argument Description
LoggerOptions LoggerOptions <optional> Set your options as you want to see logs


Interface representing options for configuring the logger.



const options: LoggerOptions = {
  logFolderPath: './logs',
  logFileName: 'app.log',
  logRotationInterval: 60000, // 1 minute
  saveLogFile: true,
  customLabels: [
    { label: 'custom', color: { ansiCode: '\x1b[38;5;9m' } },
    { label: 'unique', color: 'RED' },
    { label: 'insideFunction', color: { R: 255, G: 204, B: 229, isBackground: true } }
  printTimestamp: true,
  printLabelName: true,
  printCallerFunctionLocation: true,


Name Type Argument Default Description
logFolderPath string <optional>   The path to the folder where logs will be saved.
logFileName string <optional>   The name of the log file.
logRotationInterval number <optional> 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 The interval for log rotation, in milliseconds.
saveLogFile boolean <optional> false Whether to save the log file.
customLabels customLabels[] <optional>   Custom labels to use in logging.
printTimestamp boolean <optional> false Whether to print a timestamp in each log entry.
printLabelName boolean <optional> false Whether to print the label name in each log entry.
printCallerFunctionLocation boolean <optional> false Whether to print the caller function location in each log entry.


Interface representing custom labels with associated colors.



customLabels: [
  { label: 'custom', color: { ansiCode: '\x1b[38;5;9m' } },
  { label: 'unique', color: 'RED' },
  { label: 'insideFunction', color: { R: 255, G: 204, B: 229, isBackground: true } }


Name Type Argument Description
color COLOR <optional> The color associated with the label.
label string optional The custom label text.



Name Type Value Description
BLACK string \x1b[30m Black Color
RED string \x1b[31m RED Color
GREEN string \x1b[32m GREEN Color
YELLOW string \x1b[33m YELLOW Color
BLUE string \x1b[34m BLUE Color
MAGENTA string \x1b[35m MAGENTA Color
CYAN string \x1b[36m CYAN Color
WHITE string \x1b[37m White Color
BLACKBG string \x1b[40m Background Black Color
REDBG string \x1b[41m Background Red Color
GREENBG string \x1b[42m Background Green Color
YELLOWBG string \x1b[43m Background Yellow Color
BLUEBG string \x1b[44m Background Blue Color
MAGENTABG string \x1b[45m Background Magenta Color
CYANBG string \x1b[46m Background Cyan Color
WHITEBG string \x1b[47m Background White Color
RESET string \x1b[0m Background Reset Color
AnsiColor object   Color in ANSI Code
      { ansiCode: string }
RGBColor object   RGB Color values
      { R: number, G: number, B: number, isBackground <optional>: boolean }



See Changelog here for more information.

Color Reference

For ANSI color reference, see here.



Contributions are always welcome!

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
